Breaking Writer's Block in 3 Steps

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Breaking Writer's Block in 3 Steps

Postby englishteacher551 » Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:41 am

*Often is the case, for experienced writers and those who are completely new to the language (ESL learners i.e. the majority of people most likely perusing this website) to have often, great difficulty in sharpening or improving their writing ability.

What are some tactics to overcoming the seemingly insurmountable "writer's block"?

Here are a few tips to ease this terrible affliction:

1.) Use free writing to break the block. If you're an academic student (or even a web developer program manager working on an important app update who needs to send a very particular, informational email) and you need to write about a topic in your own words --> free write. Put your pen to the paper (or most often now is the case -fingers to the keyboard) and just write whatever comes to mind about the subject and/or question on which you've been tasked to elaborate. This may seem nonsensical at first, but often has the effect of lifting/suspending any doubt about your work.

2.) Begin the essay at the easiest point. Remember, to write a 5 paragraph essay (or more than likely at the senior level of a Bachelor's degree - a 20 page paper), you don't have to start at the beginning to write your essay. The magic of modern day technology allows us to write from the middle and/or end and work back to the beginning. Revision is always a process in producing good work whether the writer is experienced or not.

3.) Verbalize your thinking prior to writing. If you're stuck on how to continue with a certain part of your work, verbalize it to yourself (a bit uncomfortable at times but effective). Does it make sense to you? Would it make sense to another person if they heard it? Is it objective enough? This is often the aim writers work toward, objectivity, especially when writing an argumentative piece.

Can anyone else add some tips for breaking writer's block? :D